venerdì 24 gennaio 2020

Affiliate or Drop Shipping?

This was an interesting week: I had the chance to learn something I believe to know already.

This week, in my assignments for Web Business class, I had to search, understand and finally choose the best solution from Drop Shipping or Affiliation for my business.

After several research (there are an infinitive number of Company that offers you this kind of solutions) I decided to affiliate my business to Amazon.

What does it mean? It means that, on my website, when I will create some outfit, I can add a link to Amazon, directly on the page where my customers can buy the pant, shoes, shirt and or whatever items I putted on.

Every time someone will click on the link that goes directly to the website where the customer will buy something, I will receive a percentage on the transition.

By the way, I believe that, if I had more money to invest in the business, would be more advantageous to go for a Drop Shipping. This because, if I can buy goods from wholesalers, I will have more profit selling them directly from my website.

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