sabato 1 febbraio 2020

Site Builder & Hosting

This was one of that week in which you understand that if you thought you already know a good part of the subject, you was wrong.

Since I began this course, I decided that I was going to do my best to take the maximum out of the teachings, tips and advices I would had received.
Finally I discovered that, more research I make, more ideas, information and possibilities came to my mind.

At one point I had to much information and I couldn't make a decision

So, I had to go back and understand what was my purpose with this assignment.

Our goals form this week was:

1) Choose a site builder

2) Choose a Host

Once I have a look at the different site builder, I choose because its many options and cost.

About the Host, I believe that is the best because the basic options' package included in the subscription.

Probably, if I was good at coding or on using Dreamweaver, I was going to build a web site and host it on Aruba.

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