sabato 8 febbraio 2020

Site Design

As I try to create an appealing website, I understand I can be a little picky sometimes.

This week we worked on the design of our websites.

It was really interesting to search for inspiration and, find website that works. Because internet is full of website, find some good examples could take a long time, or more if you are picky.

Something I learned is that I must find my way. This mean that I cannot take simply a template and change what is write in the paragraphs and titles.

A website how works, is successful not only because it has a good design, but also because the structure, colors, menu and pages are created based on customers. They need to be able to find what they are searching for, without spending a long time.

Some pages a website must have are:
1. Home page
2. Contact us
3. Pages about the items or services they are selling

Also, they could have:
4. FAQ’s
5. About us (a presentation of the web site, can be included on the home page)

There are also other many pages we could insert in a web site, as long as they are going to be helpful and not too much.

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